Friday 3/14, 6:00pm - Level 1 (Follow)
Friday 3/14, 6:00pm - Level 1 (Follow)
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In this class, you’ll learn the fundamental (Level 1) steps of either closed (A/C) or open (B/D) position (alternating weekly) from our curriculum. Please be sure to sign up for the role you would like to dance (Follow or Lead - listed on separate pages).
If this class is sold out you can try to sign up for the 7:30pm Level 1 class on the ODC Website.
ALTERNATE LOCATION (3rd Fridays only): Once per month we hold our classes and party at Mars Bar - 798 Brannan at 7th St. in SF. The Mars Bar dates for 2023 are 1/20, 2/17, 3/17, 4/21, 5/19, 6/16, 7/21, 8/18, 9/15, 10/20, 11/17, and 12/15.
REGULAR LOCATION (all Fridays except 3rd Fridays): Every Friday except for the 3rd Fridays we hold classes and open dancing at MNC (362 Capp St). The MNC has an open-air courtyard as well as a large indoor space with three sets of double doors that will be kept fully open to the courtyard — different levels will dance in different spaces.
We are offering a couple of discounted options to make these outdoor classes available to more people (though if you are able to pay the regular price it is much appreciated). When you check out, you can enter either 25OFF or 50OFF as codes to receive 25% or 50% discounts.
ADVANCED REGISTRATION IS RECOMMENDED, to ensure that we do not exceed the maximum class size and have an even balance of leads & follows.
REFUND POLICY - We will give full refunds if requested more than 24 hours prior to the class. Since the size of classes are limited, if less than 24 hours prior to the class, requests for refunds will be processed only if we are able to find another student to take that slot. Exceptions will be given in case of illness (see RCR Salsa Classes Safety Guidelines & Liability Waiver for details).
AIR QUALITY POLICY - We will be monitoring the air quality of the neighborhood where our classes are held using this website. If the air quality is in the "unhealthy for all groups" (150+) category 3 hours prior to the start of the class, we will cancel and issue refunds to everyone automatically.