Ryan, Sidney, and Rueda Con Ritmo teach, perform, and organize special events throughout the Bay Area, across the United States, and in Cuba. We have taught and performed at events throughout the US and internationally in Cuba, Mexico, Canada, New Zealand, and Northern Ireland.
To schedule a workshop or other event, please contact us. See below for a list of past events.

August 22nd, 2015 - Cuba Review Workshop: All Stars Salsa and Son de Santiago
August 1 - 15, 2015 - Cuba Dance Study Trip: Santiago and Oriente with the All Stars
July 2015 - Teaching Classes in Northern Ireland with Salsa Cubana Belfast
May 29th to 31st, 2015 - Teaching and Performing at Kosmos Music and Dance Camp
March 28th, 2015 - International Rueda Flash Mob Day in San Francisco
February 7th, 2015 - Salsa & Rueda Workshops in Santa Cruz at The Tannery
Jan. 24th - 27th, 2015 - Northwest Tour to Seattle, Bellingham, and Vancouver
January 10th, 2015 - Tradición 2: Son and Salsa, Cuba Review Workshops
January 3rd, 2015 - Salsa and Rhythm Workshops in Atlanta hosted by SALSAtlanta
Dec 19 - Jan 2, 2015 - Dance in Cuba Trip with Ramon and CubaCaribe
December 6th, 2014 - Tradición: An Afternoon of Son and Fundadores Workshops
Nov. 15th and 16th, 2014 - Guest Workshops in San Diego hosted by Maritza Baida
October 21 & 22, 2014 - Salsa Classes at Yoshi's SF before Klimax Concerts
October 18th, 2014 - Salsa & Rueda Workshops in Santa Cruz at the Tannery
September 4th, 2014 - La Salsa Cubana Film Screening with Q&A, Lesson, and Party
August 22nd & 23rd, 2014 - 3 Sold-out Shows w/ Jesús Díaz & Namita Kapoor @ ODC Theater
August 15th to 19th, 2014 - Teaching and Performing at Kosmos Music and Dance Camp
June 28 - July 13, 2014 - Dance in Cuba Trip with Ramon and CubaCaribe
June 27th to 29th, 2014 - Teaching at SALSAtlanta 10.4: 5th Atlanta Cuban Festival
May 25th, 2014 - RCR's Fifth Contingent in SF Carnaval Parade
April 12th, 2014 - Teaching and DJing at Ritmos Latinos Indiana in Bloomington
March 29th, 2014 - International Rueda de Casino Flash Mob Day in San Francisco
December 8th, 2013 - RyM Performance at Charanga Habanera Concert
November 2nd, 2013 - RyM Performance for Día de los Muertos
October 12th, 2013 - RCR Performance with Elito Revé at Cafe Cocomo.
August 22nd - 25th, 2013 - Teaching and Performing at Albuquerque Latin Dance Festival
July 3rd to 7th, 2013 - Teaching and Performing at Kosmos Music and Dance Camp
June 22nd to 29th, 2013 - Teaching at Jazz Camp West
June 7th to 9th, 2013 - Teaching and Performing at the Atlanta Salsa & Rueda Fest
June 1st and 2nd, 2013 - LIVE Performance with Mayimbe at Cafe Cocomo
May 30th, 2013 - DVD Release Party for "La Salsa Cubana" Documentary
May 26th, 2013 - RCR Fourth Contingent in SF Carnaval Parade
April 14th, 2012 - RyM Performance at CubaCaribe Festival
January 5th, 2013 - Free Classes and Open Dancing in Golden Gate Park
December 21st, 2012 - Hosting Workshop in SF by 'El Cubanito' of SalsaVille.com
November 17th, 2012 - Rhythmic Immersion: Day of Musicality Workshops in SF
October 5th to 7th, 2012 - Teaching Master Workshops, North/South Folk Dance Conference
June 6th to 10th, 2012 - Teaching and Performing at Kosmos Music and Dance Camp
June 1st to 3rd, 2012 - Teaching and Performing at the Atlanta Salsa & Rueda Fest
May 27th, 2012 - RCR Third Contingent in SF Carnaval Parade
April 20th, 2012 - RCR Performance at CubaCaribe Festival
January 6th, 2012 - New Year and Día de Reyes Salsa Party After Classes
December 16th, 2011 - Holiday Party after Friday Night Classes in SF
November 17th, 2011 - Presentation at Ethnomusicology Conference in Philadelphia
August 27th to 31st, 2011- Guest Workshops in Boulder, CO hosted by SalsaVille.com
August 5th, 2011 - Party for Friday Night E X P A N D E D Curriculum at ODC
July 16th to 24th, 2011 - Salsa and Rueda Vacation in Tulum at ZAMAS Hotel
July 1st to 4th, 2011 - Teaching at the 4th Santa Rueda Salsa Rueda Festival in Santa Fe
June 26th and 30th, 2011 - Hosting Workshops in SF by 'El Cubanito' of SalsaVille.com
June 1st to 5th, 2011 - Teaching and Performing at Kosmos Music and Dance Camp
May 29th, 2011 - Rueda Con Ritmo dances down Mission in the SF Carnaval Parade
March 29th, 2011 - Classes in Whanganui, New Zealand hosted by World Salsa Tours
March 19th, 2011 - Workshops in Dunedin, New Zealand hosted by Salsa Moves NZ
Feb. 17th to 20th, 2011 - Teaching and Performing at the Salsa Rueda Festival in SF
December 17th, 2010 - Holiday Salsa and Rueda Party in SF
October 28th, 2010 - Terrifying Timba and Spooky Salsa Halloween Party in SF
Oct. 24th & 26th, 2010 - Workshops in Seattle and Everett
Oct. 22nd & 23rd, 2010 - Workshops in Vancouver with Más Movement
July 3rd & 4th, 2010 - Teaching at the Santa Rueda Salsa Rueda Festival in Santa Fe
May 30th, 2010 - Leading the RcR/ODC/R&M Contingent for the SF Carnaval Parade
April 13th & 14th, 2010 - Workshops in Seattle with SeattleRueda.com
April 9th to 11th, 2010 - Teaching at the Rueda Festival in Vancouver
Feb. 18th to 21st, 2010 - Teaching and Performing at the Salsa Rueda Festival in SF
Jan. 23rd to 31st, 2010 - Salsa and Rueda Vacation in Tulum at ZAMAS Hotel
Sept. 26th & 27th, 2009 - Teaching at the NYC Salsa and Rueda MiniFest at YSBD Studio
Sept. 12th & 13th, 2009 - Workshops in Seattle with SeattleRueda.com
Sept. 5th & 6th, 2009 - Special Workshops in Tucson hosted by TucsonSalsa.com
August 29th, 2009 - Salsa and Rueda Workshops in Santa Cruz, CA
July 18th to 26th, 2009 - Salsa and Rueda Vacation in Tulum at ZAMAS Hotel
July 11th & 12th, 2009 - Special Workshops in Tucson hosted by TucsonSalsa.com
July 6th to 8th, 2009 - Salsa Workshops in Albuquerque hosted by Sarita and Marco
July 3rd & 4th, 2009 - Teaching at the Santa Rueda Salsa Rueda Festival in Santa Fe
June 20th to 27th, 2009 - Teaching at Jazz Camp West
March 24th & 25th, 2009 - Salsa Bootcamp in L.A. hosted by casinero.com
March 14th & 15th, 2009 - Workshops in Seattle with SeattleRueda.com
March 7th, 2009 - Salsa and Rueda Workshops in Santa Cruz, CA
Feb. 20th to 22nd, 2009 - Teaching and Performing at the Salsa Rueda Festival in SF
February 7th, 2009 - Salsa and Rueda Workshops in Santa Cruz, CA
Jan 20th - Feb 10th, 2009 - Tuesday Classes at NASA in Mountain View hosted by Steve Frankel
January 10th, 2009 - Salsa and Rueda Workshops in Santa Cruz, CA
December 19th, 2008 - Holiday Party after Friday Night Classes in SF
December 14th, 2008 - Special Workshops in L.A. hosted by salsaweb.us
October 18th, 2008 - Salsa and Rueda Workshops in Santa Cruz, CA
August 13th to 20th, 2008 - Teaching on the Havana In Alaska Salsa Cruise
August 9th & 10th, 2008 - Salsa & Rhythm Workshops in Seattle with SeattleRueda.com
June 21st, 2008 - Salsa and Rhythm Workshop in Atlanta hosted by SALSAtlanta
June 14th & 15th, 2008 - Salsa Workshops in Albuquerque hosted by Sarita and Marco
June 13th, 2008 - Salsa Workshops in Santa Fe hosted by Santa Rueda
June 9th & 10th, 2008 - Salsa Workshops in Tucson, AZ hosted by Salsa Soulseros
June 8th, 2008 - Salsa Bootcamp in Los Angeles hosted by Casinero.com
May 17th, 2008 - Salsa Workshops in Monterey, CA
May 17th, 2008 - Virtual Rueda at the Video Ranch
August 2007 - Salsafari on Yosemite's North Dome